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Realm Walker Omnibus Page 5

  Lily stepped closer, and curled her hand around Victor’s neck, tapping at his fresh tattoo. “Vala has given us the gift to come back to her realm via sleep and dreams. Once we enter a realm, we must sleep to come back to her realm. At this time, we can only visit realms from Vala’s realm.”

  Victor resisted the urge to place his hand on the demon woman’s hip. The way she moved spoke of sultry seduction but the hardness of her personality seemed at odds with who or what she was. Victor chalked it up to learning the ropes, but his hand stayed at his side.

  Lily eyed him up and down before uncurling her arm and taking a step back. “Since you have not unlocked any acolytes and have no powers except for your sword, we are going to have to handle our journeys carefully.”

  The demon woman turned and looked to the oval cave. “The first power we should find is the one to read and speak languages. There are so many dialects across the realms, and that power will help make the transition easier as we travel. That means our first stop will be Eddor.”

  “It sounds a little like The Lord of the Rings, I’m in,” Victor smiled.

  Lily reached back and took Victor’s hand. Leading him along the small paths between the springs, they covered the short distance and stood before the oval cave opening.

  The horned woman turned her red irises to Victor, “Do not let go of my hand when we travel. The last thing I want to do is go hunting for you across the realms. No matter what happens, we stay together. Understand?”

  “Yes Ms. Brightblood,” Victor nodded.

  The demon let out an annoyed exhale, “Just Lily. Are you ready?”

  Victor’s eyes widened, “We’re going now?”

  Lily sucked in a hiss as she held Victor’s hand tight and yanked him with her. The two marched into the misty cave. The gloom flowed over them and before Victor could say a single word, he and Lily faded away into the smoke, the only sounds left were the splashing of waterfalls into the steamy hot springs.


  The mist grew brighter with every step. Victor held onto Lily’s hand as they walked. The mists licked at exposed skin. The only thing Victor could hear was his heart beat. Lily’s warm hand helped guide him along as he followed. The initial shock of stepping into the mist cave floated away as he quickly realized he had a job to do. The demoness pulling him along, and entering his first realm coiled into his thoughts, unsure if he was truly ready. Taking a deep breath, the concern ebbed. Breathing in the mists seemed to calm his nerves, the butterflies in his stomach yawning. Was it Vala’s way of helping the transition or was it simply all in his head?

  The mists parted and shafts of sunlight lit up the gloomy path. After a few steps, the mists floated away, and a warm forest surrounded the pair. Victor took another deep breath, drinking in the damp forest air, shafts of light penetrating the thin foliage. Brown bark and emerald leaves glowed in the morning air. The Blade turned his head as Lily let go of his hand. Eyes looked back to the mists, retreating to the trees and ground. After a long moment, the mists faded from sight as the realm loomed around them.

  “We have a little hike before we reach the city of Loress,” Lily said simply as she began to walk.

  Victor picked up his pace and walked alongside the demon woman. “What kind of city is it?”

  “It’s a city of knowledge and schooling. Many races go there to improve their magical studies. It’s also a place many go for work, and to make their fortunes. Spell casters need some muscle when they take on quests to find artifacts.”

  “Sounds fun,” Victor said with a small smile.

  Lily’s brow hardened. “None of this will be fun. Since you don’t have the power to understand what anyone is anyone is saying, stay close to me and let me do all the talking. Vala may have a plan for us while we are here, but for now, I need to see if a friend has information we may need.”

  “How many times have you come to this realm?”

  Lily’s expression softened. “Many. It’s….one of my favorite realms. I know the lands here better than the other five realms.”

  Victor nodded silently. He wanted nothing more than to keep talking so he could get to know the beautiful demon a little better but she was direct, each stride of her legs filled with purpose. The Blade wondered if she spent a lot of time alone in Vala’s realm. The only other person she probably talked to was Cassandra, but even that could grow tiresome, speaking to only one other person for years. If Victor didn’t know any better, Lily seemed to have some social issues and having a partner might have been the last thing on her mind.

  Get to know her. Your survival may depend on it.

  Victor opened his mouth, ready to talk when he noticed Lily’s form began to change. Black horns melted into her skull as her pale purple skin shifted to a pale white. The triangular tipped tail coiled and sank into her lower back. Red irises blinked from a crimson red to a pale purple. Transformation complete, the dark-haired demon now looked like a normal human. Despite the changes, her body was exactly the same.

  “It’s a glamour ability, one you will learn when we visit the Night Sun realm,” Lily said with her eyes still facing forward.

  Victor nodded, mind spinning. The Blade felt the war of thoughts, part of him feeling like everything was completely normal, and the other half wondering what the hell he had agreed to. When the thoughts reached a fevered pitch, the Blade smoothed it all away, placing a small amount of trust on the woman who was now his partner for a goddess.

  The forest was alive with birdsong as the pair walked along. The trees became less dense and soon they hit a small dirt road. Victor looked around with wide eyes, waiting to see something out of the ordinary. As far as he noticed, the realm looked like an Earth forest. It didn’t seem weird, odd or strange. Not sure what to expect, the Blade was ready to bend Lily’s ear again when the trees parted and a city appeared before him.

  Victor looked up, eyes taking in the high walls. Beyond them, tall towers of stone stood, each ring getting higher. A thick lone tower stabbed into the sky beyond the smaller rows of towers. Gargoyles stood perched along the walls, leering down. Birds flew overhead, landing on the gargoyles and tilting their heads to the side as they chirped.

  Victor’s gaze dropped as voices touched his ears. Ahead of the pair, their dirt road merged with a stone street and a city gate. The doors were open as a line of wagons, horses and people moved slowly through. The longer Victor gazed at the line, the more he noticed how different this realm really was. Normal humans stood or rode through, but elves, dwarves, and orcs also made their way through in an orderly fashion. Victor blinked as he saw that it really looked like something out of The Lord of the Rings. The only strange thing about it was the orcs were in line with the other races. There seemed to be no racial hatred as everyone waited patiently to walk through the main gate.

  “Are all the races here peaceful?” Victor asked.

  “Magic has brought the many races together. Race isn’t an issue here as almost everyone wants to learn. The true divide is what form of magic one wants to learn.”

  “Sounds like it might be a knowledge or class-based system, which may be a bigger problem than one would think,” Victor said without thinking.

  Lily turned her head slightly and eyed the Blade, “Very astute. You may be smarter than I thought you were.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” Victor winked.

  Lily’s eyes took on a hard edge but before she could retort, Victor stepped past her and approached the gate. A guard turned his attention to the young man. Victor was about to ask something when Lily stepped to his side and took his arm into hers. The guard eyed them and began to speak. A string of words Victor did not understand floated out. Victor’s brow wrinkled as Lily began to speak, her words sounding similar to the guards. The guard and human looking demon talked a little while longer, the guard constantly glancing over to the Blade. Victor simply smiled as they carried on until the guard nodded and waved them in.

  Lily pulled Vi
ctor along, the pair walking past the gate and into cobblestone streets. The Shield spoke over her shoulder with a smile to the guard before turning her attention forward and unraveling her arm from Victors’.

  “What did you two talk about?”

  Lily’s smile curved into a sinister smirk. “I told him you were mentally challenged and I was seeking a healer of great power to help mend your mind.”

  “That….was mean,” Victor laughed.

  “I had to think of something before you began talking about things no one here will understand. Now let’s get to the library before someone looks at us a little too closely,” Lily said before quickly pointing a finger to a large stone building right before the tallest tower in the center of the city.

  It was in that moment that Lily’s words triggered Victor’s awareness. Senses alert, he took in world around him. Danger still lurked and they had to be vigilant. Images of the giant werewolf beating him to a pulp circled through Victor’s mind, and knowing he could still die made the world crystal clear. People of different races socialized and carried about their errands, no one really giving the couple a second glance.

  Victor found himself turning every few streets, taking in the grandeur of the mystical city. The very air seemed to drip with energy. It caressed the Blade’s heart and mind as he stayed close to Lily’s side. Excitement rippled along nerves and the young man felt a need to explore every street of the magnificent city. If this was just one city in this realm, the Blade wondered what the rest of the world looked like.

  A crumbled, weather beaten scroll barely hung against a lantern pole. Lily continued forward but it was Victor who left her side and walked closer, eyes on the scroll. A drawing stood out of a man, but there was something off about it. Unable to read the words written underneath, Victor gazed on the drawing, weirded out by the wide-brimmed hat and grizzled facial expression. Victor’s first thought was the man on the hanging scroll looked like he belonged in a cowboy movie. The drawing was complete with the hat, hard stare and cloth wrapped around his neck.

  “Keep up,” Lily called back, twenty feet ahead.

  Victor turned and jogged to her side. “I think I was just looking at a wanted poster. Why does the guy look like a cowboy?”

  “What’s a cowboy,” Lily asked with annoyed eyes.

  Victor pointed back at the poster, “That’s a cowboy.”

  The human looking Lily shook her head, “That’s a Slinger and don’t dwell too long on it. We are here to start gaining your powers and don’t have time to go exploring dangerous territories.”

  “Is the man on the poster dangerous?”

  Lily let out an annoyed exhale. “All Slingers are dangerous.”

  “What’s his name?”

  Lily stopped walking, turned and faced Victor with a raging fire in her purple eyes. “I know this is all new you but can you save the questions for when we are back home. The more you talk here, the greater the chance someone or something will notice us. You must learn the art of blending in. Since your speech is not of the local people, Vala’s enemies may find us. Can you simply stay quiet until we gain what you need to survive?”

  Victor felt the heat in Lily’s words and bowed his head slightly. “I’m sorry. I was caught up in the excitement. You’re right, we need to stay low key until I’m ready. Please lead the way.”

  Lily’s fire cooled as she turned and began walking again. Victor stayed at her side, thoughts mulling about as he tried to understand what was happening. The walk through the medieval city was quick. Victor looked up at the spires of the library as they drew closer but when he stood before it, it took his breath away. The library was majestic, ancient and strong. It seemed like the type of building that has withstood the ravages of time with strength and power. Large doors lay open as many different robed citizens climbed the gray steps and entered. Some people lounged off to the sides of the steps, lost in thick tomes. It reminded Victor of the New York Library when he went to visit as a child.

  Lily began climbing the steps. Victor followed, his dazzled senses taking it all in. When they stepped inside, the smell of books assaulted Victor’s senses. A soft feeling pressed down on his hearing as the silent air surrounded him. It reminded the young man of any library he used to visit, a pleasant calm from the storm of reality. Victor found himself yawning as Lily led the way to set of spiral stairs.

  The climb up the wrought-iron stairs to the third level was quick and a little dizzying. The levels were massive, with bookshelves reaching high up that were filled to the brim with tomes. Arched ceilings were on every level and Victor could see from the staircase that there were only four levels to the library.

  Stepping off on the third floor, the pair made their way through the maze of bookshelves, tables, and patrons before reaching a circular desk. Some people looked up at the woman and man before sinking back into their books. Victor looked around as Lily made a beeline for the desk, a man with long hair and gray robe smiling at her. Low voices floated into the air as Lily spoke to the man in hushed tones. Victor knew there was little he could contribute so he wandered off, feeling like he couldn’t get into much trouble in a library in a major city.

  The shelves ran on as Victor explored. Hand up, he ran fingers along book spines, feeling the mystical energy as it played against his fingers. He wasn’t sure if this was normal or something he could do since he was a Blade but it didn’t make the experience be any less amazing. Soon, he found himself lost among the bookshelves and trying to understand the titles of many tomes.

  A dark thought stabbed into the moment. Victor slowed his steps as jagged memories clawed from the recesses of his mind. Phantom pain curled into his chest as a flash of what happened sank into his mind’s eye. The sound of gunfire and the burning sensations of bullets penetrating his body caused the young man to stop. Eyes trembled as he relived the moment a crazed gunman entered his workplace and began shooting. The sight of Karen dying before him haunted his mind and he tried to push it away.

  Don’t let it consume you. Bury it before it takes over.

  Victor swallowed as he mentally buried the horrific events. There wasn’t any time to mourn his former life. The pain would only dull his senses, and since he could die in these strange worlds, he had to be extra careful. Walking again, Victor took in a series of deep breaths, calming his mind. When he turned a corner, he glanced up ahead and froze.

  An elven woman with long blonde hair and glasses was partially kneeling, her hands pushing a leather book into her satchel. She didn’t notice Victor until she finished slipping the book into her satchel and had stood up. Almond shaped eyes turned and widened as Victor stood rooted there, his gaze on her. The elf wore a green tunic with brown leather leggings and high black boots. A hand moved to her belt, fingers curling around a dagger handle.

  Victor put up his hands, palms out and a smile on his face. The elf’s shock melted into focus as she drew her dagger and held it to her side. Victor was about to back up when she began stalking toward him. Warning signs going off in the Blade’s head, he took another step back.

  “I didn’t see anything,” Victor said not knowing if she would understand.

  The elf hesitated, dagger still in hand. Peering through her glasses, she remained silent, her hand with the dagger trembling. Victor took another step back when something warmed his gaze. He couldn’t explain it, his senses taking on a warming edge like a touch from a close friend. Heart pounding in his chest, he tried to understand what was happening before the elf regained her courage and stabbed him.

  The elf’s hand steadied as she gave him a hard gaze, “That’s right, you didn’t see anything.”

  Victor smiled, “You speak English?”

  The elf cocked her head to the side slightly before raising her free hand and touching a silver necklace. “I understand you because of this. It’s an enchanted translator. You can purchase them at any of the local shops…but judging from what I see, you don’t have any gold.”

; Victor’s smile dimmed, “How do you know that?”

  The elf shook her head. “Stay quiet, let me pass and we can pretend this didn’t happen.”

  Victor gave a slight nod but didn’t stay quiet, “What’s the penalty for stealing from the library?”

  The elf stepped closer, fingers tightening around the dagger pommel. “Severe, so are you going to let me pass or do I have to spill your blood?”

  Victor couldn’t resist the warm edge running along his senses. Something was off and he couldn’t pin it down. The space between them took on a dreamy landscape. The Blade took an unsteady step closer to the bookshelf behind him when he noticed the elf’s eyes seem to grow heavy. She shook her head, trying to regain her wits but even her body wasn’t responding correctly. Taking a step closer, the elf sighed.

  “What are you doing to me,” the elf asked as if she was in a haze.

  “I was just going to ask the same thing to you,” Victor said in a slight state of confusion.

  “Let me pass…and…” the elf trailed off.

  Victor curled his fingers into his palms and then straightened them out. He did it repeatedly so he could gain some kind of control. Incoherent whispers touched his mind as the world took on a rosy hue. Blood pumped and hardness of reality lessened. The elf eyed the young man with half closed eyes. Hand moving, she sheathed the dagger in her belt and swayed slightly.

  “…goddess…help me…” the elf whispered.

  Victor’s ears perked up, “Goddess?”

  The elf moved closer, eyes taking on a hungry edge. Victor stayed where he was, watching as she stood a mere foot from him. Energy danced between them, almost like they connected in some way. The Blade could see the elf’s demure beauty. She seemed like the elves he had seen in movies or in the streets of Loress, but there seemed to be less light in her spirit. Victor wasn’t sure how he could tell, but it seemed to burn low, as if she was hiding from the outside world.