Realm Walker Omnibus Read online

Page 6

  The elf lifted a hand, and pushed her glasses back up to the bridge of her nose. Her pointed chin and smooth skin glowed from what light poured in from the library’s shaded windows. Victor couldn’t help but stare at her pointed ears. They weren’t like elf ears he had seen in movies. They were longer and pointed up sharply, past her dark blonde hair. The tall ears twitched as the elf grinded her teeth.

  “Let me pass…,” she repeated.

  “You said goddess, which one,” Victor asked with a soft tone, lost to the warm haze.

  “Let me pass…I can pay…,” the elf said with a sultry edge.

  “I’m…not in your way,” Victor said as he tried to cut through the haze, “You don’t have to pay anything…”

  The elf stepped closer, her hand touching Victor’s stomach. “Then I will pay to keep you quiet.”

  Victor parted his lips to say something when the elf grabbed at his belt and began undoing it. A connection blazed as the young man watched the elf move with hypnotic grace. Undoing his belt, her hands reached into his leggings and took hold of his hardening member. The touch of her smooth fingers lit a fire in the young man as he relented to her touch. His cock growing stiff, she massaged the shaft, her green eyes on Victor’s strong collarbone.

  Knowledge and lust touched Victor as he began to understand what was happening. The moment had become so real; he found he could not speak, taking in the connection. The whispers grew louder as he basked in the elf’s touch. Hand moving, she stroked him slowly, making Victor’s manhood hard as steel. When he thought it would go on forever, the elf took hold of his leather leggings and pulled them down until they were right above his knees. Manhood free, it throbbed in her hand as she continued to stroke him freely.

  “Stay quiet,” the elf hissed before she lowered onto her knees.

  Victor did as he was told, looking down on the elf as she kissed the end of his cock and quickly wrapped her lips around the tip. The mood grew hazier as Victor leaned against the bookshelf. Inches disappeared between the elf’s firm lips, her mouth reaching the base and slowly pulling back. Head bobbing, she moved at a pleasant slow pace, her tongue gliding along the bottom of his shaft.

  The Blade fought to keep quiet as bliss caressed his senses. Hips moved slightly, driving his cock a little deeper into her mouth and throat. It didn’t faze the elf, her loving strokes seemed to enjoy his need to move. Wet sounds rose up like little whispers, the elf holding onto the sides of Victor’s waist as her head continued to bob. Wet inches appeared and disappeared as the two were caught in each other’s gravity. Victor found it difficult to think or even care of the world around him, taking in the beauty of elf working his manhood. The whispers pushed him on and Victor found he was beginning to lose control of his desires.

  The elf suckled on his veiny cock, tongue running along every inch. She never looked up, eyes closed in bliss. The sensual movements continued for long minutes until Victor’s jaw clenched. The urges to let the elf suck his manhood warred with the needs of release. The whispers in his mind pushed against his reason. Logic fell away and all there were was a consuming need to unleash his soul.

  The elf pressed her lips to the base of his cock, tongue and throat massaging along his shaft. Victor didn’t look around as his head bent back and small groan rose from his lips. The elf pulled back halfway, Victor’s cock bulging against her tight kiss. White seed burst from the tip, splashing against the elf’s throat. A warm hum filled the still air as she suckled down his come, several more spurts filling her mouth. Oval eyes widened as she tried to milk Victor’s cock of every last drop. Heart blazing hot, she stayed on her knees until she drank down the last spurt of come. Pulling away, she looked up with wide eyes.

  “She…she sent you…”

  Victor stared down; heart hammering in his chest as ghostly words touched his mind’s eye.

  You have unlocked an acolyte!

  You have gained 1 Divine Orb!

  “You…you follow Vala,” Victor said in a low tone.

  The elf sprang to her feet, a wide smile on her lips, “She sent you to help us!”

  Victor took hold of his leggings and pulled them up, “Um…”

  The elf’s eyes shined with hope when several dark shadows loomed across the marble floor. Victor and the elf turned their heads to see two men and a woman slowly approach. Their bodies moved with a threatening strength, and their eyes glowered with foul intent. The air took on dark edge as the three made their way closer.

  The elf’s hand went to her dagger hilt while Victor faced the three people. Senses dialed to eleven, the Blade could see the people approaching weren’t normal. Their ears were slightly pointed and their hair was partial disheveled. Their clothes didn’t seem to fit them right and were wrinkled, almost as if they weren’t used to dressing. Hair covered the backs of their hands in thin wisps and their feet were bare, also covered in thick hair. When they were about twenty feet away, they stopped and eyed Victor and the elf.

  “You cannot hide from the god of the hunt,” one of the men growled.

  “Baaldir howls for your blood,” said the woman with a harsh, animalistic edge.

  The elf drew her dagger.

  Victor turned his head slightly, “I have a friend that can help us. She will be at the main desk of this floor. Go to her while I keep these three busy.”

  The elf shook her head, “No, I won’t lose you when I just found you. We stay together.”

  “Ms. Elf, I don’t wish to be rude…”

  The elf cut him off, “Dawn, my name is Dawn.”

  “Dawn, these people seem to have a grudge against me. Get my friend, please.”

  “No,” Dawn repeated.

  The larger man of the trio stepped forward; eyes filled with raging madness. “It doesn’t matter if she runs. Our people are throughout the library and our commands come from Baaldir himself. Kill the Blade, the Shield, and everyone else…for the greater good of the hunt.”

  “Shit,” Victor said as the three people before him began to shift and grow larger by the moment.


  Lily leaned in close, a playful smile on her lips as she listened to Gunther. The handsome man behind the librarian counter talked, long hair tied back and his chiseled features defining his good looks. The robe he wore was a little open at the top, showing the top of his strong chest. The demon in human form let her eyes linger as she mentally licked her lips in delight.

  “A patron has been asking me questions lately. She comes in nearly every day and looking for specific books,” Gunther said in a low tone.

  “Does she seem…like us,” Lily asked while not trying to hide her gaze on his chest.

  Gunther smiled and leaned over the desk, closer to Lily. “I keep feeling like she might be. There is a connection, but she is very guarded.”

  “It’s worth talking to her, if she might be part of the family,” Lily smiled.

  Gunther nodded. “She’s here now, on the 4th floor, can’t miss her, look for the red wings.”

  Lily nodded.

  The librarian continued, “Who was the gentlemen you walked in with? He’s cute.”

  Lily’s smile dimmed. “He’s family.”

  Gunther kept his gaze steady and filled with understanding, “You don’t seem too thrilled. I thought another follower of Vala would have you excited.”

  Lily looked away, her demeanor shifting. “I thought so too but…I’m not sure he will last long enough to make a difference.”

  “That doesn’t sound like the Lily I know,” Gunther said with a small smile.

  Lily turned to the handsome librarian, eyes growing a little brighter. “Vala sent him to me for a reason. Time will tell what that reason is. For now, it looks like I’m babysitting.”

  “If Vala chose him for you, it can only be for your benefit.”

  Lily gave a slight nod before turning her body and eyes around. “Where did he go?”

  “I saw him disappear down one of the aisles,” Gunth
er said as he pointed his chin in the direction Victor went.

  Lily’s brow sharpened. “I told him to stay by me,” the demoness growled.

  Several people in the area stood up at once. Lily’s eyes narrowed as she watched five people in disheveled clothes turn to her and the librarian. Gunther’s eyes widened as low growls filled the area. Lily faced the large room, the figures moving as one, walking in her direction.

  “Gunther, no matter what happens, stay down until the Mage Authority arrives,” Lily commanded as her hand reached out and a staff appeared in her palm.

  The librarian eyed the human looking demoness as she bent her knees slightly and held her staff with both hands. The people said nothing as their bodies began to contort, shift and grow larger. Clothes ripped and fell away as claws stabbed out from fingertips. Muscles bulged as snouts grew. Shoulders thickened as arms grew longer. Red eyes glowed as the people turned into snarling werewolf like monsters.

  “Victor, where the hell are you,” Lily hissed before stepping toward the War Wolves.


  Victor stood, Dawn at his side. The three monsters loomed closer, saliva dripping from their razor maws and clawed hands flexing. The hulking War Wolves stared at the man and elf. The air took on a sharp edge as each side readied for the other to make a move.

  The Blade thought to his sword. Hand open, he was ready to call his sword sheathed in his arm. A nervous tremble ran up his spine as he quickly realized again, he never used a sword or killed anyone for that matter. A deadly chill sank into his muscles as he wasn’t sure he could take another life but the reality of the situation spoke of dire consequences. The three monsters were there to kill him and if he didn’t fight, they would succeed on their mission.

  Mentally calling on his sword, light flashed from his wrist and an iron sword with mystical runes appeared in his hand. Lifting the sword, Victor kept a steady gaze and a look of determination in his eyes. A crashing noise filled the still library air, followed by shouts and roars. Energy flared like a match going off and the three monsters charged.

  “Fuck,” Victor managed before a wall of muscles and claws barreled toward him.

  Dawn was first to counter attack. The elf bent low and charged the incoming War Wolves, dagger in hand. Victor could hardly keep up as she moved like the wind. A boot kicked out while a dagger aimed for a stomach. Two War Wolves stopped their charge, one grunting from the elf’s boot slamming into its stomach and her dagger penetrating the other’s belly. Dawn twisted her body away, landing on both feet and charging again.

  Victor took a step forward before a War Wolf charged him. Sword up, he tried to block the incoming thick arm and clawed hand. Eyes went wide as his sword was knocked from his hands and spun away. The sword clanged against the ground and slid to a halt as Victor brought up both his arms. The War Wolf growled as it slammed an arm against Victor’s defensive posture. Brute strength pushed Victor’s entire body as he grunted from the heavy blow. The War Wolf sneered as it pushed the Blade, his boots sliding across the stone floor until Victor’s back struck a heavy bookshelf. Several tomes fell as the monster’s arm pushed against Victor’s. Despite his increased strength, the Blade could feel he was not stronger than the monster. His arms were pushed back as the War Wolf raised his free clawed hand.

  Dawn spun and dodged as the two War Wolves swiped at her. Claws missed the agile elf as she continued to move like a dancer in a hurricane. Dawn’s dagger gleamed wet with the enemy’s blood as she stepped in, stabbed and spun away. The back and forth enraged the War Wolves as they pressed their attack.

  Victor grunted as his own arms were pushed to his chest. The War Wolf growled his approval as its thick arm pushed harder, trying to press against the Blade’s throat. Victor gritted his teeth until the monster’s arm pressed hard against his throat. The pressure was making it hard to breathe and the Blade fought for every breath.

  Red eyes looked down in amusement as Victor struggled for his life. “My lord has no reason for concern. Your light will wink out and he will praise me for the kill. It saddens me you were not much of challenge. I will enjoy seeing you choke to death.”

  Breathing grew difficult with each passing moment as Victor tried to hold off the brutish monster. In the background, Dawn fought like a crazed acrobat but she began to slow, tiring from keeping the War Wolves at bay. The monsters seemed to notice and timed their attacks. Dawn landed and misjudged her step as a meaty fist caught her side and sent her lithe form into a bookshelf.

  Victor fought for every precious drop of oxygen as the world slowly began to grow dark. The pressure at his neck caused his windpipe to bend in. Time slipped away as he fought. Bringing his knee up, he slammed it into the War Wolf’s stomach but the creature barely flinched.

  “Die, fool,” the War Wolf growled with a deep satisfaction.

  Fight! Use your strength!

  Victor thought back to his abilities. A trickle of knowledge touched his mind. Desperation took root as his body began to rebel, needing oxygen. Before the darkness could consume him, the Blade called on his strength and it answered. The one lone point in Strength faded and became a zero. Power surged along Victor’s limbs and life returned to his eyes.

  The War Wolf looked down as Victor took hold of the monster’s arms and pushed back. Muscles trembled as the War Wolf’s eyes widened to red saucers. Victor grinned as air quickly filled his lungs once again. The monster growled as its entire body was pushed back by the smaller Victor. When Victor had pushed him far enough, his left hand held the monster at bay as his right fist cocked back and darted out. The fist connected with the monster’s chest and sent him stumbling back a few feet.

  New energy filled Victor as his hand opened and his sword flew up from the floor and into his waiting palm. The War Wolf charged with claws flashing. Time slowed down as Victor took a deep intake of breath, aimed his sword and leaned into the charge. Claws sliced across as the iron blade sank into the monster’s chest. Pain flared but Victor ignored it, pushing the sword as deep as it could go. Reaching the hilt, the War Wolf let out a sickening whine, blood pouring from around the blade and spilling on the stone floor.

  With renewed strength, Victor pulled the blade out and brought it down, cleaving into the monster’s shoulder and sending the War Wolf to its knees. Madness took hold as the creature fought on, claws reaching out to tear into the crazed swordsman. Victor knew he had to end it now. Pulling the sword up, he turned it sideways and with his new strength, sliced hard across. The War Wolf’s head separated from its shoulders and went spinning to the floor. The large body slumped as Victor looked up to find Dawn.

  The elf was on the ground, dagger up as the two War Wolves stood over her. Claws flexed before they each came down like savage monsters. Dawn drove her dagger into a palm while another set of claws raked across her arm. The elf cried out before blood showered her face. Wide eyes looked up as one of the War Wolves let out a final sigh, eyes rolling into its head as a sword point emerged through its throat. A hand took hold of a shoulder, shoving the monster sideways. Dawn’s eyes drank in Victor’s heaving form right before the last War Wolf changed direction and crashed into the Blade.

  Victor dug in his boots as he reared back his left fist and connected with the War Wolf’s snout. The creature lashed out and Victor parried each clawed swing. Sparks flew from sharp bone against sharp metal. The Blade kept stepping back, keeping the War Wolf just out of striking distance. Sword and claws clashed in a flurry of attacks. Despite Victor’s new strength, the ferocity of the War Wolf caused him to retreat one step at a time. The sound of fighting could be heard all around but Victor knew he had to stop the War Wolf before rushing to Lily. The demoness was probably fighting for her life and he had to be there, fighting at her side.

  The War Wolf howled as she pressed her attacks. A blonde elf sprang up from behind and landed on the monster’s back. Victor watched as the War Wolf’s eyes widened, Dawn driving her dagger into its back again and again. The elf
’s eyes held a gritty determination as she drove it down to the hilt. When the War Wolf lifted its arms to grab at the elf, Victor took the opening and drove his sword into her exposed gut. The monster growled a whine as the sword stabbed through her body and emerged out her lower back, between Dawn’s legs. The elf continued her barrage, stabbing repeatedly into the War Wolf’s back until it sank down to its knees, head tilting forward and eyes turning glassy and dark.

  Victor watched as Dawn’s movement’s slowed, tears streaking down her face with each stab. Victor let his sword slip into his arm as he rushed forward, taking hold of Dawn and pulling her from the dead monster. The elf fought his embrace, a small fist hitting his chest, bloody dagger at her side. Victor ignored the blows until she stopped and hugged him back.

  Strength ebbed away as the Blade held the elf. Dawn looked up to Victor’s small smile. Weakness washed over strained muscles and Victor fought to stay standing. Pain bloomed along his side and he pulled away. The Blade and elf looked down, blood staining Victor’s torn shirt and side. Dawn pressed her hands to the wound, bunching up the fabric. Legs trembled as the young man found it more and more difficult to stand.

  “Shit,” Victor managed to say before his legs gave out.

  Dawn fell with the young man, hands holding his side to stem the bleeding. Victor grunted as he hit the floor, body very weak. Spending his only influence point in his strength gave him an edge but now, he felt weaker than ever. A brief moment touched his mind, knowing he just murdered two monsters but it quickly slipped away as he watched the elf he just met try to stop the bleeding.

  Dawn pulled away a blood covered hand and reached into her hip satchel. Pulling out a potion, she uncorked the vial and pressed it to Victor’s lips. The Blade parted his lips and drank the contents down deeply. Warmth spread down his throat and into his stomach. It continued to warm his body as he looked down. The flow of blood began to slow and soon stop. The wounds partially closed but soon stopped.